

* sesje będą tłumaczone symultanicznie na język polski. 


October 11, 2024      /      Friday


* sesje będą tłumaczone symultanicznie na język polski. 

13:50 – 15:10

Young Hearts at Risk:
Epidemiology of cardiovascular disease in young adults

Erin D. Michos
Aleksander Prejbisz (Member of Scientific Council of The Polpharma Foundation)

Agata Bielecka-Dąbrowa
Biljana Parapid
Nicola Ryan

Global burden of cardiovascular disease in young adults

Bartosz Hudzik

Assessment of lifetime cardiovascular risk

Erin D. Michos

Cardiovascular disease management in patients with cancer

Mamas Mamas

Novel interventional approaches to CVD

Michał Hawranek

Inflammation as cardiovascular risk factor

Maciej Banach

Sponsored by Novo Nordisk

15:10 – 16:00
* A light lunch will be served from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
on the conference floor (1st floor) *

16:00 – 17:20

Integrative Strategies in Cardiology:
Bridging antithrombotic therapy and frailty across the lifespan

Robert J. Gil
Bartosz Hudzik
Izabella Uchmanowicz

Jelena Celutkiene
Marek Gierlotka
Zbigniew Siudak
Mariusz Tomaniak

Beyond aspirin: the evolution of non-aspirin antiplatelet strategies in coronary artery disease

Mamas Mamas

Frailty across ages: from young adults to the elderly in cardiovascular care

Izabella Uchmanowicz

Strategies for the reversal of novel oral anticoagulants in emergency situations, including the latest reversal agents and protocols

Loreta Kallirroi Kalantzi

Minimally invasive valve repairs in frail patients: Selecting antithrombotic agents for percutaneous aortic and mitral interventions

Robert J. Gil

17:20 – 17:40

17:40 – 19:00

Cardiometabolic Crossroads in Young Adults:
Prevention, intervention, and management

Bartosz Hudzik
Mamas Mamas
Zbigniew Siudak

Maciej Banach
Piotr Dobrowolski
Aleksander Prejbisz
(Member of Scientific Council of The Polpharma Foundation)

Overweight/obesity – a growing risk factor of CVD

Zbigniew Siudak

Prediabetes and diabetes mellitus – global pandemic in young adults

Carmen Moldovan

Hypertension – a global pandemic

Biljana Parapid

Hypertension – interventional treatment

Kyriakos Dimitriadis


Pierre Sabouret


8:30 – 13:30
Hands-on Workshop I

Crack-the-calcium – from diagnosis to management of the calcified lesions

Sponsored sessions

No spots available; registration is closed.

8:30 – 13:30
Hands-on Workshop II

From baseline to residual risk – imaging, lipids and inflammation – how to estimate CV risk in an integrated way

Sponsored sessions

Limited seats available; registration required.

13:30 – 14:00

14:00 – 15:30

Pacjent w centrum – zdrowe serce przez całe życie, od profilaktyki do leczenia, edukacja w medycynie

Marta Sułkowska

Magdalena Daccord, Elżbieta Gelert, Agnieszka Gorgoń-Komor, Marek Gierlotka, Marta Kałużna-Oleksy, Izabella Uchmanowicz, Agnieszka Wołczenko

Sesja w j. polskim

Sesja z udziałem przedstawicieli organizacji pacjenckich oraz przedstawicieli instytucji działających w zakresie opieki zdrowotnej.

Tematyka poświęcona kompleksowemu podejściu do zdrowia serca, które stawia pacjenta w centrum uwagi. W trakcie sesji omawiane będą kluczowe aspekty profilaktyki chorób sercowo-naczyniowych, nowoczesnych metod diagnostycznych oraz najnowszych osiągnięć w leczeniu chorób serca i naczyń. Sesja ma na celu wskazać, jak prawidłowo zarządzać zarówno ryzykiem, jak i chorobą sercowo-naczyniową na każdym etapie życia, rozpoczynając od najmłodszych lat oraz podkreślić znaczenie współpracy pacjenta z zespołem medycznym w dążeniu do optymalnych wyników zdrowotnych.

  • Sesja z udziałem przedstawicieli organizacji pacjenckich i przedstawicieli instytucji działających w zakresie opieki zdrowotnej.
  • Zarządzanie ryzykiem oraz chorobami sercowo-naczyniowymi na każdym etapie życia
  • Pacjent w centrum zespołu medycznego – klucz do sukcesu
  • Współpraca z organizacjami pacjenckimi i decydentami w zakresie edukacji i szeroko rozumianej profilaktyki
  • Profilaktyka jako kluczowa interwencja, żeby zachować zdrowie

Patient at the Center – A Healthy Heart for Life, from Prevention to Treatment

A session with representatives from patient organizations and institutions involved in healthcare. The session will focus on a comprehensive approach to cardiovascular health, placing the patient at the center. Key aspects of cardiovascular disease prevention, modern diagnostic methods, and the latest advancements in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases will be discussed. The session aims to demonstrate how to effectively manage both cardiovascular risk and disease at every stage of life, starting from a young age. It will also emphasize the importance of patient collaboration with the medical team to achieve optimal health outcomes.

  • A session with representatives from patient organizations and institutions involved in healthcare.
  • Managing cardiovascular risk and diseases at every stage of life
  • Patient at the center of the medical team – the key to success
  • Collaboration with patient organizations and decision-makers in education and comprehensive prevention
  • Prevention as a key intervention to maintain health

15:30 – 16:15

16:15 – 17:15
Networking session 

Biznes w medycynie: innowacje i nauka – kobieta liderka

Aleksandra Kudła-Uchwat (Anmar)

Dorota Bujacz (Symico)
Michał Hawranek
Marta Kałużna-Oleksy
Katarzyna Kołczewska (Procardia)
Agata Łapińska-Smolińska (Naukowa Fundacja Polpharmy)
Grażyna Rubiś-Liolios

Sesja w j. polskim

17:15 – 17:30

17:30 – 19:00

Innovations in interventional cardiology – FDA breakthrough technology

Roxana Mehran, Michał Hawranek

The role of vasomotor function of the vessel in the development and progression of atherosclerosis

Roxana Mehran

DynamX Bioadaptor platform – mechanism of action and clinical evidence

Michał Hawranek

Clinical cases

Michał Hawranek & Marta Kałużna-Oleksy & Łukasz Pyka

Session wrap-up

Roxana Mehran

October 12, 2024      /      Saturday


* sesje będą tłumaczone symultanicznie na język polski. 

09:00 – 10:20

Bridging the Gap:
Innovative strategies in ischemic heart disease management

Maciej Marciniak, Roxana Mehran

Marta Kałużna-Oleksy, Ekaterini Lambrinou, Mariusz Tomaniak

MI in young adults and remature ASCVD – similarities and differences

Shrilla Banerjee


Mirvat Alasnag


Mariusz Tomaniak

Standard and novel approaches to interventional treatment

Michał Hawranek

10:20 – 10:40

Opening Ceremony

10:40 – 12:00

Navigating the Beat:
Cardiac arrhythmias in the XXI century – from the young to the old

Cecilia Linde, Jens Cosedis Nielsen, Radoslaw Lenarczyk

Piotr Buchta, Marcin Grabowski, Ewa Jędrzejczyk-Patej, Michał Mazurek

Does age determine response to cardiac resynchronisation therapy?

Cecilia Linde

Conduction system pacing today – for whom and how?

Jens Cosedis Nielsen

Sudden cardiac death in young athletes – how to assess risk, how to prevent?

Michał Mazurek

Changing epidemiology of atrial fibrillation in the 21st century

Marcin Grabowski

12:00 – 12:20

12:20 – 13:40

Reviving the Heart:
Breakthroughs in understanding and treating heart failure

Jelena Celutkiene, Janina Stępińska

Lynne Hinterbuchner, Jacek Kądziela, Jacek Niedziela, Robert Zymliński

Diagnosis and treatment advanced and end-stage HF in young adults

Piotr Przybyłowski

Prevention and treatment of cardiotoxicity of anticancer therapies

Sebastian Szmit

The role of genetic testing in modern cardiomyopathy management

Tadeusz Osadnik

Hyperthrophic cardiomyopathy from asymptomatic condition to sudden cardiac death

Katarzyna Holcman

13:40 – 14:40

14:40 – 16:00

Call for action: Prevention&Intervention AMI in women

Stephane Manzo-Silberman, Izabella Uchmanowicz

Shrilla Banerjee, Vijay Kunadian, Biljana Parapid, Pierre Sabouret

Epidemiology of sex discrepancy in MI with interest on social and regional features

Michał Hawranek

Care pathway for MI in Women & prognosis

Valeria Paradies

The role of healthcare providers in coordinated care in women

Marta Kałużna-Oleksy

Call for action: presentation of each toolkit (xX)

Stephane Manzo-Silbermann

16:00 – 16:20

16:20 – 17:40
Women in Cardiology Symposium

Empowering Her Heart:
Strategies for combatting cardiovascular diseases in women

Shrilla Banerjee, Vijay Kunadian, Roxana Mehran

Stephane Manzo-Silberman, Antonia Sambola

Pregnancy and reproductive risk factors for cardiovascular disease in women

Agata Bielecka-Dąbrowa

Current recommendations for menopausal hormone therapy and contraception – the relationship with CVD health outcomes and risks

Dorota Gródecka

Wykład w j. polskim / Lecture in Polish

Innovations in cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment for women

Stephane Manzo-Silberman

Challenges in everyday practice for patients and women practitioners – togetHER

Roxana Mehran

17:40 – 17:55

17:55 – 19:30
Networking session

Connect not separate – the role of women in the generation gap

Aleksandra Kudła-Uchwat (Anmar)

Introductory lecture
Ilona Stawczyk
– Lecturer and Transactional Analyst (WSB Merito University Warsaw)

Wykład w j. polskim / Lecture in Polish

Panel discussion:
Kiersten Betzer (Medtronic)
Renata Dąbrowska (Boston Scientific)
Michał Hawranek
Marta Kałużna-Oleksy
Natalia Vanyagina (Elixir)
Jonathan Wood (Abbott)


9:00 – 11:00
Workshop III 

Optimizing Outcomes: The role of physiology and imaging in enhancing percutaneous coronary intervention safety & efficacy

Sponsored sessions

No spots available; registration is closed.

11:00 – 11:25

11:25 – 12:40
Networking session for all healthcare professionals

Women Leadership – how to overcome the barriers: mentoring, advocating, sponsoring – togetHER. Development of personal and professional skills in the field of leadership in healthcare.

Michał Hawranek
Bartosz Hudzik
Marta Kałużna-Oleksy
Izabella Uchmanowicz

Shrilla Banerjee
Valeria Paradies

WIC @BostonScientific & @Siemens Healthineers

Join the WIC session to learn how to improve personal skills in the field of leadership in healthcare and to advance into leadership positions in various medical and healthcare professions and to support more women physicians to work with industry and how to strengthen the message regarding diversity, equity and inclusion in cardiology world.

Advocating for change: Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in cardiology

Shrilla Banerjee

Sponsorship: Elevating women into leadership positions

Mirvat Alasnag

Collaborating with industry: Enhancing opportunities for women physicians

Marta Bande

Mentoring for success: Building supportive networks in healthcare leadership

Katarzyna Piaseczyńska
(Head of Cardiology at Advanced Therapies for Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia)

Announcement of Mentor-Mentee Program for leadership position @Siemens Healthineers

Louise McKenna
(Senior Vice President, Global Head of Sales and Marketing for Advanced Therapies)

12:40 – 12:50

12:50 – 15:15
Workshop IV

Striking the Balance – Mastering Antithrombotic Therapy: A guide to balancing bleeding and ischemic risks

Sponsored sessions

No spots available; registration is closed.

15:15 – 15:25

15:25 – 17:40
Workshop V 

Imaging the Heart: Mastering the art of valvular disease diagnosis

Warsztat w j. polskim / Workshop in Polish

No spots available; registration is closed.

17:40 – 18:00

18:00 – 19:20

Enduring Hearts:
Mastering the management of congenital and acquired valvular conditions

Dariusz Dudek, Radosław Parma

Mirvat Alasnag, Maciej Dąbrowski

GUCH (Grown-Up Congenital Heart Disease) – intervention and prevention

Agnieszka Bartczak-Rutkowska

Aortic valve stenosis

Roxana Mehran

Mitral valve regurgitation

Wojciech Wojakowski

Prevention of infective endocarditis

Janina Stępińska

Valvular heart diseases – TAVI, edge-to-edge in young population – different indications?

Zenon Huczek

October 13, 2024      /      Sunday


* sesje będą tłumaczone symultanicznie na język polski. 

09:00 – 09:30

Clinical Trials 2024 Wrap-up

Davide Capodanno
Vijay Kunadian

09:30 – 10:50

Cardiovascular Care Compass:
Navigating 2024 ESC Guidelines

Davide Capodanno, Vijay Kunadian, Roxana Mehran

Michał Hawranek, Bartosz Hudzik, Izabella Uchmanowicz

Arterial hypertension

Aleksander Prejbisz
(Member of Scientific Council of The Polpharma Foundation)

Atrial fibrillation (AF)

Michał Farkowski

Chronic coronary syndromes

Davide Capodanno

Peripheral arterial and aortic disease

Marta Kałużna-Oleksy

10:50 – 11:10

11:10 – 12:30

Heart in Motion:
The power of physical activity in cardiovascular health

Pierre Sabouret

Kyriakos Dimitriadis, Miłosz Jaguszewski, Jolanta Siller-Matula

Pushing the boundaries: is there a peak threshold for physical activity?

Ekaterini Lambrinou

Endurance or risk? The reality of marathons and young athletes’ heart health

Radosław Parma

Heart recovery pathways: Tailoring exercise prescription for young adults with cardiovascular disease

Michael Papadakis

Arrhythmia in women, does gender matter?

Ewa Piotrowicz

12:30 – 12:50

12:50 – 14:10

Lifesaving to Life-Changing:
from acute cardiac care to lifetime management

Robert J. Gil, Marta Kałużna-Oleksy, Roxana Mehran

Shrilla Banerjee, Michał Hawranek, Antonia Sambola, Janina Stępińska

Peripartum cardiomyopathy

Karolina Kryczka

Acute myocarditis

Christophe Vandenbriele

AMI cardiogenic shock

Marek Gierlotka

Strategies for circulatory support

Wiktor Kuliczkowski

Cardiogenic shock in aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation

Roxana Mehran

14:10 – 14:20

14:20 – 15:40

Gender of the Heart: Exploring cardiovascular health across the gender spectrum

Izabella Uchmanowicz

Michał Hawranek, Bartosz Hudzik, Marta Kałużna-Oleksy

Introduction to cardiovascular health in transgender and nonbinary populations

Erin D. Michos

Effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy on cardiovascular system – what would I like to know as a cardiologist?

Marta Kałużna-Oleksy

Clinical management of cardiovascular disease in transgender patients

Miłosz Jaguszewski

Building inclusive cardiovascular health programs

Michał Czapla

15:40 – 16:40


9:30 – 10:30
Women’s health case corner

Sex-specific risk factors & disorders

Magdalena Dudek
Alicja Sołtowska

Fizzah Choudry
Stephane Manzo-Silberman

Case presenters:
Agnieszka Katarzyńska-Szymańska
Anna Kurek
Sylwia Sławek-Szmyt

Cases centered around comprehensive management of sex-specific risk factors and disorders addressing strategies for preventing CVD

10:30 – 10:45

10:45 – 12:05

Breathing Life:
Understanding pulmonary circulation

Izabella Uchmanowicz, Michał Wróbel

Aleksander Araszkiewicz, Sebastian Góreczny, Karol Kamiński, Marcin Kurzyna, Sylwia Sławek-Szmyt

Hereditary and acquired prothrombotic states – diagnosis and management

Bartosz Hudzik

Acute pulmonary embolism – when to treat invasively

Aleksander Araszkiewicz

Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) – medical and interventional treatment

Marcin Kurzyna

Pulmonary hypertension and HF

Karol Kamiński

Right ventricular outflow tract dysfunction in adults

Sebastian Góreczny

12:05 – 12:15

12:15 – 13:15
Women’s health case corner

Cardiometabolic diseases

Michał Czapla

Piotr Dobrowolski
Carmen Moldovan
Izabella Uchmanowicz

Case presenters:
Paulina Gorzelak-Pabiś
Daria Keller
Olga Turowska

Cases focused on: Diabetes Mellitus, Hyperlipidemia, Obesity, Hypertension

13:15 – 13:30

13:30 – 14:30
Women’s health case corner

Coronary artery disease

Jacek Kądziela

Lynne Hinterbuchner
Mila Kovacevic
Nicola Ryan

Case presenters:
Svetlana Apostolovic
Aleksandra Djokovic
Sylwia Iwańczyk

Cases focused on: ANOCA, INOCA, MINOCA, SCAD

14:30 – 14:45

14:45 – 15:45
Women’s health case corner

Aortic valve stenosis

Anna Kwiecień
Łukasz Pyka

Maciej Dąbrowski
Zenon Huczek
Valeria Paradies

Case presenters:
Maciej Mazurek
Marcin Protasiewicz
Anna Pyłko

Cases focused on diagnosis and treatment of aortic valve stenosis

TAVI in women in light of new data

Zenon Huczek