Tag Archive for: heart failure

Maksymilian Opolski Prevention & Intervention Conference

Revisiting October’s Insights: “CHIP from the patient and operator perspective – does gender matter?”

Maksymilian Opolski on what to do to bridge the gender disparities gap in CTO, PCI, and CHIP business:
🔹 focus on precision in diagnosis,
🔹adjust the toolkit,
🔹prevent complications.

Jelena Celutkiene Prevention & Intervention Conference

Revisiting October’s Insights: “Heart Failure in women – the sex gap”

Prof. Jelena Celutkiene highlights the need for sex-specific interpretations in heart failure treatments, as trials often show varied benefits between men and women, underscoring the importance of considering sex in clinical outcomes.

Erin D. Michos - Pregnancy and reproductive risk factors for cardiovascular disease in women

Revisiting October’s Insights: “Cardiovascular health and cardiometabolic risk in women”

Dive into women’s heart health: Explore assessing cardiometabolic risk, pregnancy-related risks, and tackling care disparities. Join our session to empower women’s CV health!

Vijay Kunadian "Women's aspects in 2023 ESC Guidelines"

Revisiting October’s Insights: “Women’s aspects in 2023 ESC Guidelines”

Dive into the heart of women’s cardiovascular health at the session, chaired by Cecilia Linde and Roxana Mehran, focusing on the 2023 ESC Guidelines.